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Trade routes
Trade routes tool image
Want to trade?

Figuring out the optimal trade run can be a daunting task. Make it easy by using powerful filters to find the best Star Citizen trade routes, tailored specifically to your exact situation and preferences.

Best buyer
Best buyer tool image
Cargo to sell?

Wondering where to sell all that ore you mined? Maybe you've "acquired" some goods and are in need of an unscrupulous buyer. Whatever your hold holds, someone will buy it: find out who will pay the most!

En Route
En Route tool image
Going somewhere?

Maybe you're on your way to meet friends, or maybe you're simply going to the start of your usual trade run. Either way, might as well make an extra buck by carrying something in your cargo hold!


Commodities image
Day trading?

More the hands-on type? Access the data directly, which spans dozens of commodities across entire star systems, and come up with your own personal trade routes.

Shops image
Working remotely?

Being on-site is overrated. Save yourself some quantum fuel and check out any shop's data as if you were there, without even stepping in your ship!


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Hello and welcome on SC Trade Tools, the optimized trade route finder for Star Citizen! Updated with the latest data from Star Citizen, this collection of tools is the one-stop-shop for everything trade related in Star Citizen: best trade routes, best mining spots, etc. So, what can you use this website for? Well, let’s see:

  • Discover the best Star Citizen trade routes: Whether you do trade runs in your Cutlass Black, Freelancer or Caterpillar, you can customize and fine-tune what you want to carry in your cargo hold and where you want to do business. Do you want to smuggle WiDoW to Grim HEX? No problem. Do you want to do anything but carry vices? No problem either: with advanced filters for just about anything trade-related, you’ll be able to find your perfect trade route!
  • Validate your assumptions: You have a caterpillar and are wondering if doing laranite runs is the best use of your SCUs? Is Tram & Myers Mining really the place you should trade to and from right now? Well, plug your data and preferences in the form and check for yourself!
  • Find the best buyer near you: Don’t want to go all the way to microTech to sell your stuff? Oh and by the way, which shops even buy stolen items? There’s one good way to find out where to sell: by using the "Best buyer" tool!
  • Make some UEC while going from point A to point B: While going to the other end of Stanton may be necessary to check out the new dynamic event, nothing prevents you from selling some cargo when you land there. But what to sell? And where to buy it so it’s not too much of a detour? That’s where the "En route" tool comes in: select your origin and your destination, tweak the number of stops you’re willing to make and voilà, a trip with profit!
  • All the raw data you might need: The complete price list of every shop, all the details for every ore type, the eact composition of each deposit, it's all here!